Foundations of Multilevel Legal Regulation of the Future World Order


Nikolai S. Rozov

Abstract. The paper is an attempt to throw a logical bridge from the abstract ontology of time and general discussion about the meaning of history to current global problems and approaches to their solution. A nonclassical ontology of time ("the garden of emerging trails") denies the time axis in the future and emphasizes opening and closing ranges of possibilities at any moment. Three fundamental types of social processes are considered: constructing, taking shape and trials (testing). A thought experiment about the true end of history (the disappearance of the human species) is carried out which gives the resulting thesis: the meaning of history has a character trial for humanity. This idea is connected with the previously developed axiological doctrine (values of universal significance – ‘thin code’) and the redefinition of the Gemeinschaft / Gesellschaft opposition. Thus, the axiological meaning of history is revealed as a test of mankind's ability to protect values of universal significance, and sociologically it is a trial for ability to design such covering Gesellschaft, which would allow a variety of Gemeinschafts to co-exist and develop peacefully in conditions of almost permanent resource deficiency and recurrent conflicts. It is shown that the best form of such Gesellschaft at the global level and in the world regions is a multilevel system of global, regional, national and local courts specialized in areas of territorial conflicts, environment, protection of rights, etc. Creating a system of such courts essentially would complement the UN system, which would be a more complete.

Розов Н.С. Философско-антропологические основания политико-правовой регуляции будущего миропорядка // Credo New, 2013, 2.С.252-276.,1,19225-filosofsko-antropologicheskie-osnovaniya-politiko-pravovoy-regulyacii-buduschego-miroporyadka.html