Очередной Омский алгебраический вебинар состоится 19 января

19 января в 19:00 по новосибирскому времени (18:00 по омскому, 15:00 по московскому) пройдёт семинар Омского филиала Математического центра в Академгородке №966. С докладом «Binary Lie algebras and its application to the theory of Binary Lie superalgebras» выступит Мария Рассказова (Омский государственный технический университет).

By definition an algebra $B$ is binary-Lie algebra iff any two elements $a,b\in B$ generate a Lie subalgebra. A ${\bf Z}_2-$graded algebra $B=B_0\oplus B_1$ is a binary-Lie superalgebra iff $B\times \Gamma=B_0\otimes \Gamma_0\oplus B_1\otimes \Gamma_1$ is a binary Lie algebra, where $Gamma=Gamma_0\oplus Gamma_1$ is a Grassman algebra with natural gradation. We apply the theory of binary-Lie algebras for proving the following result.
Theorem. Let $B=B_0\oplus B_1$ be a simple binary-Lie superalgebra finite dimensional over the field ${\bf C}$ of complex numbers. Then $B_0$ is a solvable algebra or $B$ is a Lie superalgebra.

This theorem reduced the problem (open yet!) of classification of a simple binary-Lie superalgebra finite dimensional over the field ${\bf C}$ to the case where subalgebra $B_0$ is solvable.

This talk is based on the joint paper with A.Grishkov and I.Shestakov.
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