International Championship of Mountaineering: the NSU Team is a Winner

The championship was held in Kharkov. It was attended by teams from Russia and CIS countries.

Consisting of 7 people, the NSU team had overcome a distance of over 200 kilometers for 29 days, visiting the fifteen passes and three mountain peaks, one of which got a name of the Peak of the Siberian universities. This name was given by the athletes in honor of the first climbing.

“As for me, several days of hiking were the most memorable. The day when we conquered the peak of the Siberian university was on the first place, of course”, says the participant of the championship Anton Vasilev. “This day we started to climb a loose rock, where we stayed overnight. We called it a White Sail due to its location next to a huge, flat, white rock outcrop, resembling a sail. Then we went further along the ridge to another saddle, from where we had to go down later. But before we went down, it was necessary to climb the mountain standing close by, so we decided to have lunch on this saddle and wait a good weather at the mountain, spending even the night there. As it turned out later, this decision was not made in vain, because after lunch and a short wait the weather began to be stabilized. First, the wind fell, and then it stopped snowing, so we were able to go up the mountain.

While we were climbing, the weather became better, and despite the thunderclouds wandering in the distance, the sun began to shine, warming us. We came to the top of the mountain very quickly, and with joy and amazement stayed looking at expanses, mountain ranges and peaks, such as inspiring respect the Vilnius University Peak, more remote, but no less impressive Karakol and Djigit peaks, and the square-built good-looker - the Peak of the Stalin Constitution.

At this time, thin snow started to sprinkle us, so that all around was like under the snow curtain. We seemed to have found themselves inside a glass souvenir ball, which started snowing, if it was turned and shaken. All these feelings were so amazing and thrilling that I was immediately filled with warmth and sympathy to the top of the mountain and realized that it was ours”.

It is worth noting that last summer the team of the NSU tourist club became the winner of the first Cup of Russia in mountaineering. The Championship of the International Federation of Sports Tourism is aimed at the development of sports tourism as an effective means to enhance the role of physical culture and sports. This championship is open for tourist groups, which have trekked the routes according to the rules of organizing and conducting the tourism activities, which exist in the country represented by the tourist group.

We congratulate the members of the NSU team: Alexander Ulyanov, Anton Vasilyev, Peter Krachkov, Konstantin Kudoyarov, Valeriy Polunovskiy, Oleg Salnikov, Sergey Salnikov, and also their coach, the master of sports of world-class Vladimir Yudin.

We wish them further achievements and successful climbings!

Photos provided by the NSU team of mountaineering