Гостевая лекция на английском языке «Археология окружающей среды»

Гостевая лекция на английском языке «Археология окружающей среды»

Лекция на английском языке «Археология окружающей среды» профессора Афинского университета Лилан Карали состоится в четверг, 13 октября, в 18.10 в ауд. 5262 нового корпуса НГУ.

Приглашаются все желающие!

Lilian Karali
Professor of Archaeology
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

A Guest Lecture

Environmental Archaeology

Environmental archaeology is the science of reconstructing the relationship between past societies and the natural environment people lived in. In order to reach to comprehensive results, science, letters and theory are involved, including history, literature, philosophy, geology, biology, physics, chemistry etc. More specifically some of the major fields of palaeoenvironmental research are: geomorphology, geophysics, palynology, paleoethnobotany, landscape archaeology, human biology and human ecology.

Environmental archaeology has appeared as a separate archaeological branch around the seventies, as a respond to the general quest against pollution, climate change etc. The research of the past environments can provide evidence about how humans have lived and how they shaped their anthropogenic and natural surroundings in order to respond to environmental stress in the past. Excavations on mainland Greece and the Aegean area offer a great amount of striking paleoenvironmental case studies.
