Следующий Омский Алгебраический Вебинар пройдёт 13 мая

13 мая в 19:00 по новосибирскому времени (18:00 по омскому времени, 15:00 по московскому) пройдёт семинар Омского филиала Математического центра в Академгородке №218. С докладом «Residually finite and equationally Noetherian groups» выступит Motiejus Valiunas (University of Wrocław, Poland).

We say a group G is residually finite (RF) if any non-trivial element of G is non-trivial in some finite quotient, and equationally Noetherian (EN) if every system of equations in G is equivalent to a finite subsystem. These two properties, although a priori unrelated, turn out to exhibit similar behaviour, especially among finitely generated groups. For instance, all finitely generated linear groups and rigid soluble groups are both RF and EN, certain wreath products and non-Hopfian groups are neither, and both of these properties are stable under taking subgroups, direct and free products, and finite extensions. Until recently, we did not seem to know any explicit examples of finitely generated groups that are RF but not EN, or vice versa.

In this talk, I will compare and contrast the classes of finitely generated RF and EN groups. On the one hand, I will illustrate the similarities between these two classes by discussing their shared properties and introducing several "natural" common subclasses. On the other hand, I will give easy examples of finitely generated groups that are RF but not EN, and vice versa.
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